
Children are the
seeds that make
our future blossom
Donate today to help us stop child abuse

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Child abuse is a critical issue that has long been neglected in Lebanon.
  1 in every 6 children
has suffered from abuse

himaya was founded in 2008. The organization has continued to grow, responding to child protection needs on a national level.

The dedicated & multidisciplinary team of professionals covers all Lebanese territory with offices in Mount Lebanon, South Lebanon, North Lebanon, and the Bekaa; Ensuring accessible services to children across Lebanon.

  Our Work  
Here Are Some Of The Ways We Were Able To Help

himaya Strives For A Radical Change On A National Level In Order To Improve The Lives Of Children In Lebanon

Prevention Program


people reached
Resilience Program


cases working on
CBRD Department


professionals trained
Do You Know About A Case Of Child Abuse If you or anyone you know is dealing with abuse don't be afraid to contact us
You can go through here to check the steps of how we do children protection

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